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Selectmen Minutes 02/16/2012
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 16, 2012 – 6:30 pm

Board of Selectmen: Chairman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Robert Wimpory
Staff: Town Administrator Patt,
Public: Myron Steere

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Chairman Kullgren.

Documents for Approval/Review/Signature
The Selectmen reviewed and signed the following items:
A.      A/P Check Manifest
B.      A/P Checks
C.      A/P Invoices
D.      Preliminary Warrant – revised
E.      Preliminary Budget – updated and revised
6:30 PM: Document Review and Signing

The Selectmen reviewed the weekly A/P manifest, signed checks, and reviewed items. At 6:50 PM Myron Steere attended the meeting and requested to be recognized for a quick question about the school budget. Mr. Steere stayed for approximately ten minutes.  

7:00 PM: Jeff Wing, Resident; Recreation Programs

Mr. Jeff Wing came before the Selectmen and presented his resume and background. Mr. Wing recently moved to Greenfield and is an athletics program director for Peterborough School district and has many years of experience in creating summer athletic programs for school children. Mr. Wing explained to the Board that he was aware that the Town did not have a recreation director and asked whether there were any plans to create summer programs for school children. The Board responded that there is a baseball program that is run by Chris Weeks and a football program run by the Monadnock Mountaineers. Mr. Wing said that he had a lot of experience in baseball and football. The Board talked about the different programs that are available in town and explained to Mr. Wing that there are several ways in which he could create programs for children. One of the ways was to contact the Elementary School and see if he could use the indoor courts for basketball, another was to contact the Barbara C. Harris camp to see if he could set up a program in conjunction with their facility, and lastly he could create a program on his own and rent Town property such as Oak Park. Selectman Wimpory asked Mr. Wing what type of program did he have in mind? Mr. Wing explained that he wasn’t sure how to go about getting a program started and was looking for information from the Board on the type of programs that would be of interest in town. The Board talked about different types of programs with Mr. Wing and asked if he could do a soccer program. Mr. Wing said that soccer was one sport that he had not coached before. He was more baseball or football oriented, and he is also has experience with boys volleyball. The Board asked Mr. Wing to look into the other two facilities that they had suggested, and also to define the program in more detail; choose a sport, choose an age group, and provide details on the cost. The Board would be very interested in looking at a detailed plan from Mr. Wing and looked forward to speaking to him when the program was defined.
Mr. Wing thanked the Board for their time and said that he would contact the office in the near future so that he could present the details to the Board.

7:54 PM: Welfare Program

The Board reviewed a resignation letter from the Town’s Welfare Director Pat LaPree. Ms. LaPree has taken a full time job in the Keene area and will not have time to devote to the welfare program after February 21st. When asked by the administrator if she could continue to run the program and have deputy fill in hours, Ms. LaPree indicated that she would be on salary at her new position and the number of hours required did not leave her enough time to continue with the welfare program in Greenfield. The Board discussed the requirements of the position and asked the administrator to post a help-wanted notice for the position. The Board then held a vote to name the town administrator as deputy welfare director in the interim period and to have the town administrator administer the program until a new program director could be hired. The vote was requested by the Chair, seconded by Selectwoman Day and was unanimously voted 3-0.

8:00 PM: Town Clerk

Just before 8PM Selectman Wimpory asked Dee Sleeper, Town Clerk to join the meeting for a brief question. The Board asked how the town report was coming as there had been a note on a preliminary copy that the vital statistics were not yet available from the State. The Clerk indicated that there has been an issue at the State’s end on their system and as a result they have not been able to send out the Town’s vital statistics. The Board asked if this was affecting other towns or was it just Greenfield. Ms. Sleeper said that she didn’t know if there were other towns affected. She said that she was going to be in the office on Friday and would make more phone calls and see if she could get the State to fax over the information. The Board thanked the Clerk for stopping in and keeping them informed on her progress. The Board said that they really wanted to make sure that the “vitals” were in the report. Selectwoman Day advised the Administrator that if the report was ready, except for the vitals, then the report could be sent off and the printer could insert the vitals information before printing. The administrator agreed that this was a good solution and that he would discuss this with Catherine Shaw the next day.

8:15 PM: Other Business

The Board noted that they had wanted to make sure that there were no loose ends before Town Meeting. There was a discussion about the placement of the Selectmen at the meeting and the Chairman Kullgren indicated that he thought they should not sit up on the stage. The Chair indicated that he had spoken to the Moderator about the placement of the Board at Town Meeting. The other selectmen concurred with his recommendation.

Selectmen Wimpory said that he had been thinking that the Town really needed some way of encouraging people to leave bequests and donations to the Town and that ideally it would be nice if people had a way to leave the town a gift through their Will. This did not have to be a large sum because any gift could be put to use. There was discussion on putting together a fund with the Trustee of Trust funds so that gifts could be deposited separate from the general fund. It was further suggested that in certain instances the account could be set up so that only the interest on the gifted funds were used and the gift would remain intact.

Chairman Kullgren inquired about the Recycling Center Skid Steer and was informed that the Center had taken delivery of the new S185 earlier in the week. The Administrator had observed the Supervisor operating the machine and lifting bales. The Supervisor had informed that the new Skid Steer was much more stable and that lifting the bales was much easier and did not give rise to the instability in the back end that had occurred with the S130. The Chair asked how the machine had been available so quickly and was informed that the local NH Bobcat dealer had the machine delivered for another customer who had backed out of their order. As a result they decided to fill the Town’s order early.

Chairman Kullgren asked that the Administrator confirm with the Town’s lawyer, Barton Mayer at Upton & Hatfield that he would attend Town Meeting on March 17th.

The Administrator advised that he had received a telephone call from Clear Choice Computers, the Town’s network and IT vendor. Clear Choice would be spending more time with a larger customer and as a result was downsizing their workload with smaller accounts. As a result the company could not continue to work with the Town. The contact provided a referral to Mainstay Computers. The Administrator indicated that it might be prudent to issue a soft RFP in the short term and send it around to several pre-vetted companies (those with municipal experience). The Board agreed that this was a good idea.

The Administrator provided a sketch of the DPW road provided by Supervisor Murray. In recent conversation Supervisor Murray had approached to say that he was thinking of moving the access road and pulling sand and gravel piles and large equipment in closer to the buildings. He then envisioned having the access road jog to the right of the current location and then up the hill to the Recycling Center. He was looking for the Boards approval to re-route the access road. The Board said that they would like to visit the site and walk the ground to see exactly where the changes would take place.

The Administrator shared a memo from Supervisor Burgess about the limitation of the amount of stored oils (hydraulic oil, engine oils, other petroleum based product oils, etc) that could be stored between the DPW and the Recycling Center as they are considered one site. The amount of product that can be stored is approximately 1320 gallons. If the limit is exceeded then the site has to file for a permit with the State. The permit is an AST storage facility permit. If the amount of oils can be kept to less than that amount then the Town won’t need to do the expensive permit and engineering consulting that goes with it. However, the oils will have to be stored in containers that are less than 55 gallons. It will also help the Recycling Center obtain the used oil collection station from the State’s used oil collection program grant. Supervisor Burgess had spoken to Supervisor Murray about the DPW storage and Supervisor Murray thought that he could put the DPW’s oils in containers smaller than 55 gallon drums. In this way the storage of the oils on the collective site could be kept under the AST permit limits.


There being no further business, Chairman Kullgren moved to adjourn the meeting.  Wimpory seconded.  The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

Respectfully Submitted:

Aaron Patt
Town Administrator

The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Board of Selectmen. A signed copy is on file in the Selectmen’s minutes.

_______________________ ________________________                ______________________
Aaron Kullgren, Chairman        Robert Wimpory, Selectman               Karen Day, Selectwoman